Stamp Duties include many different aspects of liability:
Whether you are an individual, a property investor, property developer, business or limited company shareholder, there is always the potential for stamp duties to be involved in your transactions.
Amanda has great experience of dealing with all stamp duties as part of her work in various projects and tax planning cases. Picture of Amanda in a small circle?
Be inspired to contact Amanda, with the following case examples
Areas that often cause confusion, and can therefore create an overpayment of tax include the following examples:
The ownership of property within a company entity. This is one of the main areas of confusion or misunderstanding. The purchase of a property within a company is likely to be chargeable to stamp duty land tax – but how much? Many investors would believe this to be the usual residential rates and then probably an additional 3% surcharge and that may be correct. But there are often situations where a 15% stamp duty land tax charge is payable. Amanda can review your objective, check where there are risk areas to your overall scenario at purchase and potentially in the future in view of your intentions, and certainly discuss all of your options. Importantly, Amanda is always mindful of the full range of taxes that interlink to your transaction.
The purchase of a new property, when you already own an interest in property. This can trigger an additional 3% Stamp Duty Land Tax. Depending on your objectives for purchasing the property, Amanda can consider your options for tax efficiency and very often save the 3% surcharge for you.
The gift of shares. The gift of shares can often be part of an objective for family provision or starting to pass a business interest to members of the family. This gift involves the transfer of an asset, the shares, and it’s important to navigate the stamp duty reliefs to ensure that this transfer is made, free of stamp duty liability.
The restructuring of your companies into a group. Often, a business owner will own more than one company and for various reasons, it is beneficial to create a group of companies. This can potentially trigger a stamp duty charge which can be high, particularly when the values of the companies have grown. In addition, a stamp duty charge can be a problem for cashflows, or simply overlooked. Amanda has managed many cases involving a structure of a group and can take you through the stages of company law and taxation law to ensure that you are able to claim for the relevant reliefs from a stamp duty liability. It’s important to get the steps right.
A non-resident purchasing property in the UK. Without realising this, an individual or a company that is resident overseas that purchases a property in the UK will be subject to additional stamp duty land tax. Allow Amanda to review your scenario for all taxes involved, and work with your objectives for tax efficiency.